About us
BROKERS is a firm engaged in foreign trade services, having more than thirty years experience in such area. Through the years, we grew and we kept ourselves updated, thus making it possible to offer our customers the enforcement of adequate rules in timely fashion.
Our Services
With the purpose of keeping a steady growth of our services, taking into account the experience and also incorporating every day technology to our processes, we have opened new roads, through which materials transit and also, improving already existing ones. From these new possibilities, BROKERS provides a complete range of services
Definitive import
- Purchase order or pro-forma invoice reception.
- Opening of the Letter of Credit (L/C).
- Tariff classification, the company is responsible for obtaining the necessary information.
- Application for import license
- Hiring of an International Forwarder and shipment in the place of origin.
- Withdrawal of shipping documents from the forwarders.
- Reception of entry and/or contents at the terminal.
- Notice and inspection of the material before the Insurance Company, if applicable.
- Authorizations before relevant agencies Make official the entry for consumption through the Sistema Informático Malvina (Information System Malvina).
- Payment of warehousing and other expenses (on the importer's account and order).
- Withdrawal of the material from the terminal and delivery at the importer's warehouse.
Definitive exportation
- Withdrawal of the materials from the place pointed out by the exporter and transfer to the exportation terminal.
- Packaging, sealing and labeling of the packages.
- Making of the shipping documents.
- Forward of the documents abroad.
- Tariff classification, the company is responsible for gathering the necessary information.
- Authorization before relevant agencies.
- Hiring of the International Forwarder
- Make official the Shipping License through the Sistema Informático Malvina (Information System Malvina).
- Pre-alert to foreign countries and shipping tracking
- Free domicile export: delivered to the addressee by hand.
Temporary Import
The companies in general, originate an international movement of goods with very special characteristics; every day, different temporary entry transactions of materials for several purposes appear:
- Temporary import of capital assets.
- Temporary import of equipment for testing, and /or exhibition.
- Temporary import of equipment for its exhibition at Fairs and / or Exhibitions.
- Temporary import of material for fittings, start-up and /or tools.
- Other cases.
The scope of this service includes the above mentioned items for the case of the definitive import, besides some other items such as: submitting of files before the AFIP-DGA, SICE, INTI, etc., requesting authorization for the temporary import within the appropriate legal framework. Request of the pertinent Contingency Insurance Policy.
Special Considerations
As we are specialized in the area, we have achieved a broad operative and logistic expertise in the management of international foreign trade transactions within the above mentioned items. That is why, we offer competitive advantages which distinguish us and turn into benefits for our customers:
Benefits for the importer customer
Reduction in the operative and administrative times which means:
- Warehousing cost saving and a reduced financial cost due to immobilizations.
- A fast service to obtain Import customs authorizations (temporary, special cases, etc.).
- Maximum management promptness.
- Speedy reception of materials.
- Fast availability.
Benefits for the exporter customer
- Reduced times and costs
- Promptness in obtaining the Temporary Outward Permit (international repairs).
- Speed in the shipment of materials abroad
Temporary Export
The need for registering temporary outward of equipment for their repair abroad is something habitual, being such goods within the term of the guaranty extended by the supplier or not, or to be given to exhibition, sampling, etc.
The general aspects of this kind of transactions include the ones already enumerated, for the case of definitive exports, besides others that are specially managed. And taking into account the special feature of this service, we do exhibit it in phases or stages.
Phase 1: Temporary Export.
- Request of the Repair Order with the manufacturer / supplier abroad (R.M.A.).
- Withdrawal of the material from the premises.
- Steps in order to receive the authorization before the relevant official agencies (AFIP-DGA / SICE / INTI).
- Preparation of the shipping documents.
- Shipment of the documents to the company which will carry out the repair.
- Packaging, sealing and labeling of the packages.
Phase 2: Repair
- Request of fail quotation , save it is within the term of the guaranty.
- Request of the authorization to the user regarding the amount to be paid for the repair.
- Shipment of the material from the factory /supplier to the shipping terminal abroad.
Phase 3: Return of the material to the country.
- Shipment abroad.
- Reception of the material.
- Withdrawal of international transport documents..
- Payment of repair taxes.
- Payment of warehousing.
- Local transport from the arrival terminal to the domicile where the material will be used.
Other customs transactions
We include within this item all those customs transactions which we name as supplementary, because they are not main operations in themselves, but they appear from the own interaction of companies which take part in international trade, resulting in different situations.
Special projects
Within this item, we try to mention some of our services for ambitious projects. That is to say, for major technological investments, international projects, turn key kind infrastructure works, etc.
- Tariff cuts
Submitting before official agencies, applications for benefits of this system, through which an importer company can be benefited from an import duty at a reduced rate, in order to purchase capital goods, as well as information system and telecommunication goods abroad, provided that all the established requirements are complied with.
- Partial shipments system
This system, conceived for major investments, gives the importer-investor the possibility of carrying out partial shipments, which are part of the main work, due to its great complexity, volume or assembly schedule, which must be shipped at different times, and from different origins and / or sources. But the import duty to be paid will be that corresponding to the main work and not the one corresponding to its parts, making a classificatory unit. A significant saving amount is created through this situation, provided that the necessary guaranties are given and also that the requirements established by the regulation are complied with.
- Turn key Plants
Within the scope of this system, free from import duties, the import of new goods for "Projects for installing New Industrial Plants" is allowed. This is filed by companies, which show an improvement project of their competitiveness approved by the relevant authority, provided that they are turn key condition contracts. All those interested in being benefited from the system must comply with the conditions set forth, as well as with the surrendering of documents requested by the authorizing entities.
International purchases
Among our services, we offer our customers the international purchase, for those "hard" goods and with insufficient value, which mean a loss of time for the purchase department of the company, acting BROKERS as an external purchase agent. We take care of locating the product abroad, contacting the supplier, carrying out the international purchase, managing the payment method, shipping the equipment towards our country, taking all the necessary steps as regards the import and making the delivery at the domicile of the end user. The import can be carried out at BROKERS behalf, being this one the importer and purchaser of the good, which will be eventually sold in the customer's local market. This purchase will be considered a local purchase without any risk. Consult our advisors about the differences in this new service.
Foreign Trade / Audit Outsourcing
This is a service provided to those companies that want to reorganize, update or simply monitor the purchase department or international trade department of the company. The idea is to optimize the organization's resources, aiming at the costs' reduction; thus improving processes and decisions, as well as forecasts and estimates. Some of the main subjects analyzed by our specialists are import and export costs, logistic distribution chain, freight, insurance, warehousing, related services, financial impact and international payment methods. This service can be a service provided as a sort of permanent assistance support to the company, or simply carried out as a situation analysis. In any case, a final report is prepared, wherein the analysis of the result as well as the recommendations are included.
Wharehouse of its own
BROKERS has its own warehouse located in Buenos Aires, with a great storage capacity and quality for preserving the materials.
Transport fleet of its own
BROKERS has its own local transport company, with ample national coverage and great loading versatility. "TRANSPORTES PERU" provides a complete and efficient service, it has always worked with BROKERS and its customers.
Hiring of special services
We are in charge of the hiring, for special cases, generally significant projects, where equipment with considerable dimensions must be transported or stored, and which requires specially conditioned transportation or warehouses with certain temperature and humidity conditions. We also hire qualified personnel for fragile or hard-handled loading. We offer as well the hiring of security personnel for transport or in the premises.
Other services for Small and Medium sized companies (Pymes)
We offer our customers, for certain occasions, the management in order to issue the Contingency Insurance Policy for customs guaranties. This is a new service, that we incorporate thanks to an agreement entered by the CHUBB de Fianzas y Garantías company, due to the reason that the insurance companies do not issue policies for small and medium sized companies or due to their request of a great quantity of documents, which is only a bureaucratic barrier.
Ask our professional staff
We have a solution for your problem.
- Microsoft Argentina
- Alcatel Submarine Networks
- Intelsat LLC
- Indra Sistemas
- SAT Corporation - Kratos
- SES Engineering Lux
- SES Sistemas Electrónicos
- Centurylink (Level 3)
- Akam
- Akamai Technologies
- Hispasat
- Ti Sparkle
- Globalstar
- Globalsat
- Tesacom
- Siselec
- Orbcomm de Argentina
Renewable energy
- Genneia
- Genneia Desarrollos
- Genneia La Florida
- Genneia Vientos Argentinos
- Genneia Vientos del Sur
- Genneia Vientos del Sudoeste
- Genneia Vientos Patagónicos
- Genneia Vientos Sudamericanos
- Generadora Eléctrica de Tucumán
- Emgasud
- Enersud Energy
- Isolux Corsan Energías Renovables
- Nor Aldyl Bragado
- Nor Aldyl San Lorenzo
- Ullum 1 Solar
- Ullum 2 Solar
- Ullum 3 Solar
- Vientos de Necochea
Other areas
- Calvin Klein - Warnaco
- AGA - Gases y Tecnología
- Grupo Linde Gas
- Olio - Produtalia
- Agriplast
- Agendas Morgan
- Aufbauen
- Clever Pack
México 625 4° pisoC1097AAM - Buenos Aires
República Argentina